Tuesday, November 13, 2012

plastic spoon mirror

This is a DIY craft that i found on Pinterest, it is made with cardboard, plastic spoons, spray paint and a store bought mirror. Its almost too simple, but it is totally functional and stylish as well. You could use multiple colors crating a rainbow effect, or you could just do the ombré. Ombré simply means to shade, or shading which you can see is happening with the blues going from light to dark. i will posy the a link to the actual website, but i will also post instructions in my own words (might be more simple, but if not there is the original website)

Mirror made of spoons!

1- cut cardboard into a medium sized circle piece.
2-start gluing plastic spoon heads starting with the smallest circle, it is easier to do this with the piece upside down.
3-flip frame over when done gluing spoons (make sure it is completely dry.)
4- spray paint entire frame with one solid color of your choosing (in this mirror it is the lightest blue.)
5-then spray middle area with a darker color than the base coat.
6-hand paint the innermost circle with the darkest of your colors. (the dark blue)
7- Finally, place your mirror and secure with hot glue or another method you find suitable.

then you've got yourself a mirror!

1 comment:

  1. Does it matter what type of glue you use? What kind would be the easiest and look the best?
